Organic Cream of Mushroom Soup / Créme Aux Champignons Biologiques

Organic Cream of Mushroom Soup/Créme Aux Champignons

A creamy blend of organic mushrooms and vegetables that’s delicious served as soup, spooned over toast or used in your favourite casserole. Soy free/corn free/tree nut free/kosher/semi-condensed

Un mélange crémeux de champignons et de légumes biologiques délicieux que vous pouvez servir en soupe, napper sur du pain grillé ou utiliser dans votre plat en casserole préféré. Sans soya/sans maïs/sans noix/casher/semi-condensé

UPC Code - 042272-90506-5

Pots on stove

The early bird makes the broth.

We have a ritual in our kitchens where we start each morning by making homemade broth. Broth is essential for many of our sauces, and we start with a fresh batch every day. So whoever gets to the kitchen first has the honour.