Organic Tomato Bisque / Bisque Aux Tomates Biologique

Organic Tomato Bisque/Bisque De Tomate Biologique

We’ve added tender chunks of organic vine-ripened tomatoes to a smooth, creamy tomato base to create a full-flavoured, satisfying bisque you’ll crave. Gluten free/soy free/corn free/tree nut free/kosher (Lower in Sodium also available.)

Nous avons ajouté de tendres morceaux de tomates mûries sur pied à une base de tomates douce et crémeuse pour créer une bisque très savoureuse et rassasiante dont vous raffolerez. Sans gluten/sans soya/sans maïs/sans noix/casher (Une version réduite en sodium est également offerte.)

UPC Code - 042272-90536-2

Veggies on Cutting board

California-inspired Soups

Our soups start as vegetables, not as broth. We begin by slowly sautéing tender organic vegetables with herbs, creating the base of each soup flavour. This modern, California-inspired method of making soups allows for the unique fresh flavours of each soup to come forward, rather than overwhelming the flavour with the taste of broth.